KM Components & Accessories

SM80NU−3 is a Secure 8−Port KM switch. it Enables Users to Share Peripherals - Keyboard, Mouse, Audio and USB − Between Four Different Security−Level Networks/Computers While isolating All Hosts and Protecting Against Data Leakage and Malicious Attacks Through Shared Peripherals. it Also Enables...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 8-Port KM Switch
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SM40N-3T - Tempest Secure SH KM Switch 4-Port No video, PP 3.0
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 4-Port KM Switch
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SM40NU-3T HSL Secure tempest SH KM Switch 4-Port, w/fUSB, PP 3.0.
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 4-Port KM Switch
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SM20N−N is a 2−port KM switch. it enables users to share peripherals − keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between two different networks/computers. Features Multi Display Support — Enables Switching Keyboard and Mouse Control Between Computers, When Each Computer Is Connected to Up...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs 2-Port kM Switch
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SM40NU−N is a 4−port KM switch. it enables users to share peripherals − keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different networks/computers. it also enables assigning a USB port to a specific computer while switching other peripherals, such as when a USB smart card reader must remain...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs 4-Port kM Switch
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SM80N−3 is a secure 8−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals – keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different security−level networks/computers while isolating all hosts and protecting against data leakage and malicious attacks through shared peripherals. SM80N−3 provides...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 8-Port KM Switch
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SM80NU−N is an 8−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals − keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different networks/computers. It also enables assigning a USB port to a specific computer while switching other peripherals, such as when a USB smart card reader must remain...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs 8-Port kM Switch
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SM80NU−3 is a secure 8−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals – keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different security−level networks/computers while isolating all hosts and protecting against data leakage and malicious attacks through shared peripherals. It also enables...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 8-Port KM Switch
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SM40NU−3 is a secure 4−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals – keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different security−level networks/computers while isolating all hosts and protecting against data leakage and malicious attacks through shared peripherals. It also enables...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 4-Port KM Switch
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SM20N−3 is a secure 2−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals – keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between two different security−level networks/computers while isolating all hosts and protecting against data leakage and malicious attacks through shared peripherals. SM20N−3 provides...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 2-Port kM Switch
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SM40N-M - Matzov Secure SH KM Switch 4-Port No video, PP 3.0
BrandKramer Product TypeSecure SH KM Switch
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Matzov Secure SH KM 2-Port, No video, PP 3.0
BrandKramer Product TypeSecure SH KM 2-Port Switch
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KRAMER SM80N-M Matzov Secure SH KM Switch 8-port, PP 3.0
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 8-Port KM Switch
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SM40N−3 is a secure 4−port KM switch. It enables users to share peripherals – keyboard, mouse, audio and USB − between four different security−level networks/computers while isolating all hosts and protecting against data leakage and malicious attacks through shared peripherals. SM40N−3 provides...
BrandKramer Product TypeHigh Sec Labs Secure 4-Port KM Switch
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